Arnold Chonko
Arnie Chonko recently provided Human Resources leadership for the Performance Chemical Division of OMNOVA Solutions in Fairlawn, Ohio. He has also served as Vice President of Human Resources for the Steel Division of Worthington Industries, Inc. and as Vice President of Human Resources for the Columbia Gas Distribution Companies. Arnie is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certified member of the Society of Human Resources Management. As a chapter member in the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio (HRACO) he is a mentor in the HRACO Student Mentoring Program and has been a Human Resources certification program instructor. Arnie has been a guest lecturer at The Ohio State University, Ohio University and Franklin University on various Human Resources topics and has served on the Human Resources Management Advisory Board of Franklin University. He has also served on the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Labor Advisory Committee and American Gas Association HR Policy and Compensation and Benefits Committees.
Arnie has a BSBA degree from The Ohio State University and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Board and Executive Committee Member of The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business Alumni Association and Pace Setters Committee.
Arnie has served on the Central Ohio Regional Blood Services Board since 1997. He serves on the Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Human Resources Committee. He has also served as a United Way Loaned Executive and Junior Achievement Advisor.
Arnie has been married to Nancy H. Chonko since 1982 and has three daughters.
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